Homeowners Insurance Coverage
Your home is often times the largest investment you will make. Is it protected adequately? A common misconception some people have about homeowners insurance is they need only an amount to cover the purchase price of the home. homeowners coverage should be based on “replacement cost”, or what it would take to put the home back into its current condition. Other coverages, in addition to the structure itself, in the basic homeowners policy include:
Personal Property
This is coverage for the contents of the home that the insured or household members own (clothing, furniture, electronics, etc). This section does have limits on guns, furs, and jewelry. However, additional coverage can be added for higher priced items.
Additional Living Expenses
This is the amount that the insurance will pay to cover expenses if you have to move from your home due to a covered loss.
Medical Payments
This is coverage to pay for medical treatment of a non-family member in the event of injury on your property.
Personal Liability
This is coverage to provide protection to you against a claim where you were at fault, excluding automobile claims. This coverage includes both defense costs and any settlements you are ordered to pay.
Other Structures Coverage
This is coverage to protect your outbuildings (detached garage, utility building, shed) or unattached structures (carport, fences, etc).
We would be happy to review your current coverage’s and see that you are adequately protected. It is why we are here and it would be our privilege!